Thursday, November 27, 2014


Greetings to all of our readers!  We hope you have been enjoying all of our blog post entries this Fall season.

Here at Eros Sport, we have really been focused on providing you with alternative ways to make your daily exercise routines and meals a little more exciting.  Ranging from our articles on how to incorporate yoga into your sport, to fun and healthy snack alternatives (check out or previous post about healthy indulgences for Halloween).  Regardless of what type of yoga or sport you practice, the important thing is that you are maintaining yourself in motion.  Especially as the cold winter months settle in and we tend to stay idle, it is important to keep blood flow and circulation going through our bodies.

In other news, last week we had an AMAZING photo shoot with Donny Nichols and Lost Fish Productions showing the wide range of versatility and functionality our product has to offer.  In addition to yoga, our sports apparel is perfect for MMA, Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, crossfit, and any sport or activity that requires you to have the best support and performance.

Below are some shots from the shoot as well as behind-the-scenes photographs.  Thank you to everyone who collaborated on the shoot.

The entire Eros Sport team gives a huge THANK YOU to all of our readers and we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

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