Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Gym Essentials

There’s nothing worse than showing up to the gym unprepared. Whether it be forgetting your socks or heads phones, forgetting the essentials can put quite the damper on your work out. Here is a list of all the items you should always put in your gym bag:

A good pair of headphones or ear buds
Music has been proven to help motivate you before and during your workout. Your favorite tunes can really help put you in the zone for your hardest training.
Your water bottle
Aim for a bottle that holds more than 32 ounces. It is vital that you keep yourself hydrated during your workout. You can even make it a goal to not leave the gym without finishing the whole bottle.
A towel
Most people recommend bringing two towels: A larger one while using machines and mats, and a smaller one for wiping your face.
Extra pair of socks
This might sound unnecessary, but having an extra pair in case or even having the option to change pairs during a workout, makes packing them along worth it. 
Pre-workout: peanut butter & banana slices on toast, dried fruits & nuts or an energy gel.
Post workout: protein shake, sliced apple & string cheese, or a protein bar.
Shower items
If your gym offers showers, take advantage and bring your towel, flip-flops, body wash and shampoo along. There’s no better feeling than showering right after a workout.
Extra clothing to change
No one wants to leave the gym in their sweat-drenched clothes, therefore, don’t forget to bring an outfit to leave the gym in confidence.

Pictured above is the Eros Sports Yoga Gear Bag. Use this bag to take along all your essentials, including a yoga matt. Purchase one online now! http://www.erossport.com/Bikram-Yoga-Gear-s/1822.htm

Friday, September 19, 2014

Stretching Tips for People with Arthritis

Stretching is often overlooked but it is extremely important because it helps prevent injuries, improve flexibility and physical performance, and minimize soreness. Here are some tips for those who suffer from arthritis:
  1. Warm up.
    Before stretching, you should always warm up your body. There are a couple of options for warm-ups such as hip circles, arm circles, arm swings, and heel-to-toe walk.
  2. Hamstring and Ankle
    Now that your body's warmed up, it's time to start stretching! Sit on the edge of a chair with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your right leg in front of you and flex your right toes to t
    he ceiling. Next, slowly lean forward at the hips with your back straight. You should feel the stretch in the back of your thigh. Repeat with your left leg.
  3. Calve Stretch
    Stand behind a chair with both hands on the back of the chair. Place your left leg behind you while keeping your left heel to the ground. Next, bend your right knee and lean in towards the chair. You should feel the stretch in your left calf. Repeat with your right leg.
  4. Groin Stretch
    Stand behind a chair with both hands on the back of the chair. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Face your left foot towards the chair and point you right foot to the right. Lunge towards your right foot but don't let your right knee go past your toes. Repeat with your left foot.
  5. Leg Swings
    Stand behind a chair and place your left hand on the chair. Stand sideways so that your left hip is facing the back of the chair. Swing your right leg to the front and back. Repeat with your left leg.
  6. Exercise!
    Now comes the fun part. When exercising, be mindful of your own body. Challenging yourself is important but know your limits. Do not put yourself too hard because this can cause injuries. Also make sure to hydrate. Have fun!
  7. Stretch
    Finish up your exercise by stretching again!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hydrate Your Way To Success

When developing a fit and healthy body, we often forget about the most important ingredient to our success: WATER. Experts agree that the smartest way to reach our fitness goals is through proper hydration, which can take athletic performance to a whole new level. The human body is made up of around 60% water, meaning our muscles, brain, blood and sweat are mostly water. Therefore, without consistent hydration, our bodies do not work properly and any mental or physical activities become that much harder.
Here are a few tips to help improve your water intake:

But I’m not thirsty?
People often believe that as long as they are drinking when thirsty then they are good to go. However, this is not a reliable measures since most of the time we don’t know when we are dehydrated. Especially for athletes, drinking less than 8 glasses of water is quite detrimental to one’s performance. As a rule of thumb, you should start drinking water before feeling thirsty and even after you are no longer thirsty. On average you should be going to the bathroom every two to four hours. A sign that you are dehydrated is if your urine is a dark yellow. Take this as a warning sign and drink up!

Before, During, and After
It is essential that you hydrate yourself all throughout the day and especially before you work out.
WebMD suggests:
        15-20 ounces 1 to 2 hours before you work out
        8- 10 ounces 15 minutes before you work out
        8 ounces every 15 minutes while working out
This will allow you to feel stronger and work out for longer than if you were dehydrated.

Chocolate milk?
This childhood favorite is no longer just for kids. In a study done by physiologist Joel Stager from Indiana University, chocolate milk is deemed the optimal post-exercise drink. Ideal for cyclists and long-distance runners, this recovery drink provides the carbohydrates to replenish your muscles after an intense work out.

Buy a reusable water bottle and take it wherever you go. In no time you will get accustomed to drinking more throughout the day. Drink up to a hydrated and energized you!